脫殼自在 諸事共好
Break free and be at ease, let everything flourish together
—Venerbale Hsin Tao’s Spring Couplets for the New Year 2025
The year 2025 is the Year of the Serpent. The flexible and adaptable animal symbolizes good fortune, especially since it can shed its skin, representing regeneration, transformation, and resilience. Venerable Hsin Tao’s spring couplet, "Break free and be at ease, let everything flourish together," expresses the hope that amidst the challenges and uncertainties of the year, everyone can let go of their anxieties and attachments. Such attachments are like pollutants that cloud our mind. When we release these attachments, our mind can become clearer, just as the serpent sheds its skin. "Breaking free" teaches us to calm our attachments and transform our worries, allowing us to move beyond a troubled mind. Once we shed the hard shell of attachment, our anxieties will cease, leading us to a state of great ease and transformation.
"‘Do not fear the arising of thoughts, only fear the delay in awareness.’ These ‘thoughts’ refer to the obstacles and troubles we have. We should not be afraid of them as long as we awaken quickly. What do we need to awaken to? It is the shedding of attachments; the ability to cut through troubles is a true practice of Buddha Dharma! Therefore, from individuals to families and even to nations, when everyone strives for the common good, we can foster a prosperous economy and a stable society. This allows us to support one another, coexist harmoniously, and enjoy the flourishing of all professions and blessings, bringing happiness to all and ensuring that everything thrives together!"